Sunday, May 11, 2008

Training brick workout

Goals: Big Kahuna Half Ironman Sept. 7th 2008
Ironman Arizona Nov. 23rd

Ironman training started today. I did a 60 mile bike ride from my house up to Prather and back. Then, transitioned to a 3 mile run. I felt like I left a little to late because it started to get a little warm on the bike and was hot on the short run. I felt pretty strong though overall.

Hopefully this coming week I can get some commuting miles in to work during the week before another long workout next weekend.


Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

Sounds intense. I wouldn't want to drive that much.

BTW - What does the "brick" have to do with anything?

Agee54 said...

I really admire your discipline. My coworkers and I talk about doing triathlons all the time. I think we are just missing the discipline aspect of it. Any plans for the Big Kahuna?

Ben Regan said...

I should have defined the word brick.
Brick is doing two (or more) different exercises (one after another) with little rest between each. (e.g., bike and then as soon as your bike workout is complete go for a run). Bricks are usually bike-run but can be any combination. I really have no idea why triathletes started using the word brick, but it is very common triathlon terminology. Bricks are very important for race preparation. It really helps me to transition from using my cycling muscles to my running muscles and feel good.

Ben Regan said...

I am currently the coach of a new triathlon club in Fresno that is called TC3 (Triathlon Club of Central California). I always encourage beginning triathletes to start with small goals. Always try to train with people so that you can motivate each other. Sign up for a sprint triathlon and make sure you have adequate time to train for it. Some people get discouraged when they are in so much pain and forget about having fun because they did not train.
I'll probably be swimming 2 to 3 times a week, about 200 miles a week on the bike and 20-30 miles for the run in preparation for Big Kahuna